Birds, Animals in a Different Spring 2020


It was a short, different spring for bird and animal photography for me. There were a few fun shots of ruffled feathers but I think my favourites this time aren’t birds at all. I finally got a good image of a mink in a marsh in Fish Creek Park and despite the vegetation in front of it, I am quite pleased with the deer photo. It was taken quite close to a parking lot in the early spring just after the provincial parks were reopened. I suspect that all of the wildlife had started to get used to roaming wherever it wanted without any interference from people.

There had definitely been people about at Mallard Point when I was there in April. Public art, in the truest sense, was everywhere. On one side of the river, I found stones painted with words of encouragement, hearts, rainbows and even sparkles all along the pathway. On the other side, I discovered an owl that is not in any of my reference books. I am calling it the Tin Horned Owl. Like most owls, it was happy to stare me and my camera down.

I saw no natural owls, but discovered that the osprey pair that used to nest on top of a traffic signpost that straddles the freeway have moved further south, close to the river. I watched one come and go bringing back food one morning. The old nest has been taken over by Canada Geese which seem to be plentiful.

Also in good supply are the Red-winged Blackbirds. They are singing constantly even as they hide in the rushes. Similarly, I saw lots of American Robins and there were always American Pelicans hanging about on the river. I don’t know what this one thought was so funny but his friends didn’t seem to agree.

The female Goldeneye was on a pond, minding her own business when a male flew in and started making suggestions. You can see that she wasn’t interested and decided to find a more peaceful place for her swim. The male Mallard, on the other hand, was oblivious to company. Usually they swim away when they sense a human coming near, but he clearly didn’t care.


One Reply to “Birds, Animals in a Different Spring 2020”

  1. I really love the deer and the male mallard duck pictures! As well, the Tin Horned Owl 🙂
    You have inspired my bird watching…I now have a feeder right outside my office window and enjoy their comings and goings.

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